Putnam Highlands Audubon Society Winter 2021 Newsletter
A Chapter of the National Audubon Society, Founded in 1976, Serving Putnam and Dutchess Counties
Local Birding Stories, Sightings and Tips for Winter
February 2021
Hello Members and Friends!
We hope everyone is enjoying birding from their windows during this bitter cold weather!
Finches joined by titmice, wrens, woodpeckers, chickadees, cardinals and many other species are over wintering in the Hudson Valley where they provide us with great birding opportunities and brighten the long winter months.
Soon, bluebirds will be scouting nest boxes, and Spring will be here!
Connie Mayer-Bakall - President
PHAS Winter Bird Seed Sale
Thank you to all our members and friends who made our second bird seed sale another sucess Like our fall sale, we delivered more seed than ever, raising funds for our many programs and keeping our local bird population well fed in the winter months.
We are planning a Spring Sale in March so watch for that announcement.
Thank You
Photo Credit: Northern Harrier Shawangunk Grasslands by Kyle Bardwell
January 2021 Bird Walk Shawangunk Grasslands, Ulster County, NY
Photos and Report by PHAS Board Member Kyle Barwell…
Sean and I led a stationary walk where 10+ Participants enjoyed an array of raptors over an hour and a half. Expert spotting from Sean pulled a Bald Eagle at quite a distance , however the participants enjoyed seeing the iconic white head and tail even that far away. After almost an hour searching/hoping for an owl, excitement erupted as a Short-eared Owl was spotted flying over the grasslands. However raptors were not the only highlight. Steve R. spotted a small group of Eastern Meadowlark perched together out in the grasslands. The Raptors seen included
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Northern Harrier
Short-eared Owl
Bald Eagle
Ross Corsair, of the Highlands Current caught some amazing shots which were published in The Current here Bird Country.
“Members of the Putnam Highlands Audubon Society visited the Shawangunk Grasslands National Wildlife Refuge in Ulster County on Jan. 16. The most visible birds were Northern harriers, a hawk that hunts mice and voles and whose head resembles that of an owl. Highlands Current.” Ross Corsair
Upcoming Bird Walks and Events: PHAS Calendar
Pete Salmansohn
Putnam Highlands Audubon Society Education chairman
The Basics of Bird Identification - January Zoom Event
Between 50 and 60 people attended our first distance-learning ZOOM event on Sunday, January 24th, sponsored and presented by PHAS and Garrison's Desmond-Fish Library. The program aimed to help beginning birdwatchers with the basic tools and skills necessary for the identification of bird species, such as nuthatches, titmice, and finches.
Pete Salmansohn, PHAS's education chairman led the class, and Karen Thompson, Event Librarian for Garrison's Desmond-Fish Library managed the technology and sorted out any glitches which came up.
One key feature of the event was its interactive nature, where participants had earlier been emailed a packet of photos and images of birds and a question sheet which they worked on during the class in attempts to answer specific questions about different and varying field marks of the species they were looking at.
Participants ranged in age from young children to adults, and many took up Pete's challenge of imitating bird calls and vocalizations, a light-hearted part of the program which often led to unabashed laughter. A good and educational time was had by all.
If you missed this great program check out these on line resources - National Audubon guide Get to Know These 15 Common Birds, Snow Birds -New York’s Winter Bird Population, or this book Birding the Hudson Valley by Kathryn J. Schneider and more PHAS Birding Resources
Photo Credit: Snow Buntings by Kyle Bardwell
March "Third Saturday" Bird Walk Croton Point Park, Croton-On-Hudson
March 20th, 2020 8:00 AM Croton Point Park
We will be assembling at 8:00 AM sharp in the large parking lot located at Croton Point Park. From there we will bird the hotspot that is Croton Point Park. Located on the Hudson River, anything is possible at Croton Point. We will look for everything from passerines to raptors. Croton Point offers a variety of different habitat for various species of migrating birds. Although early in spring migration, late March can host some interesting birds.
Please register on the PHAS website (we are limiting our walk to 12 participants.)
Masks and social distancing will be required.
We recommend to bring your own binoculars. We only have a few to provide.
Upcoming Bird Walks and Events: PHAS Calendar
Bald Eagle by Kyle Bardwell
Breaking News - Delay of Rollback of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
We are thrilled to read that a one-month delay has been placed on the rollback of protections to migratory birds and is opening the rule back up for public comment.
The Interior Department said Thursday 2/4/21 that it would delay the effective date of the rule, which removed penalties for companies that accidentally or incidentally killed migratory birds and was slated to go into effect on Feb. 8.
The department is working to determine what additional steps it can take and the Fish and Wildlife Service will give the public 20 days to comment on the rule to allow for “additional engagement.”
You can take action here National Audubon Society - Reverse the Rollback of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
We Appreciate Your Support.
All our programs and activities are delivered by 100% volunteers, however we have hard costs for maintaining the three bird sanctuaries that we own.
We need your support now more than ever to meet expenses for insurance, professional fees, warden fees and other on going expenses.
Today we serve Putnam and Dutchess Counties. We maintain bird sanctuaries deRham Watergrass Sanctuary in Philipstown and Reese Sanctuary in New Hamburg. We offer monthly bird walks and educational programs in Beacon, Cold Spring, Garrison, Philipstown and other local towns.
Free, public programs for children & adults
Care of PHAS’s wildlife sanctuaries: , Reese, and deRham Watergrass
Support for bird conservation programs, including bird walks and public programs
Summer internships at Constitution Marsh for high school students
Annual Scholarships
Chapter newsletters