The Atlantic Flyway
The Atlantic coast offers a richness of habitats that birds depend on for food, nesting and survival. These same habitats also protect people from natural disasters. But the birds are in trouble. Nearly all coastal bird populations are declining, some by as much as 80 percent. The threats are many. Many are linked to the impacts people have imposed. Just as people are responsible for some of the challenges birds face, people are also the solution. We have the opportunity to preserve the birds and their habitats, which are essential parts of a healthy natural world.
Audubon has been the leader of coastal bird conservation since bird feathers were prized as fashion accessories. Our state-of-the-art science, sound public policy, and our on-the-ground conservation programs protect birds from threats that include development and sea-level rise. Our network, the largest among U.S. chapter-based environmental organizations, is an army for on-the-ground conservation. And our seven state and international programs, 61 Chapters, and 8 Nature Centers along the Atlantic coast are already involved in protecting 150 sites.