Putnam Highlands Audubon Society
Summer 2022 Newsletter
Local Birding Stories, Sightings and Coming Events
Greetings PHAS Members and Friends!
It has been an honor to serve as Chair of PHAS for the past thirteen years, and work with all of you, to promote bird conservation in the Hudson Valley and beyond!
My goal ten years ago, was to diversify the Board of Directors and attract younger members interested in expanding our conservation, education and stewardship programs.
I am delighted with the results as we have welcomed new members who will continue to build on our past achievements. They have invigorated the Chapter with new ideas that will translate into increased membership and activities as we move forward into the future and work to protect the many bird species that depend on our local habitats!
I thank Sean Camillieri and Kyle Bardwell for filling in for me as we segued into elections for a new Chair this June. I am very happy that Sean agreed to take on the responsibilities of Chairmanship and I know he will have your support, and mine! Sean has the background and skill we need to deal with new and old conservation issues! Climate issues, bird conservation, habitat preservation, stewardship of PHAS’ Sanctuaries are all priorities moving forward.
One local challenge will be to ensure that Constitution Marsh Audubon Sanctuary stays open and free to daily visitors as it has for so many decades providing access to the marsh and the Hudson River Estuary.
Please join with me in welcoming Sean as he takes the helm!
Thank you for your continued support and friendship! A special thanks to Perry Pitt who has been Vice-President during my tenure!
Yours in bird conservation!
Connie Mayer, Outgoing PHAS Chair
The Year Ahead
We are happy to report that we concluded our 21-22 fiscal year on June 30th in solid financial condition. We owe a very big thank you and express our immense gratitude to all our devoted friends and members without whom Putnam Highlands Audubon Society could not exist.
Thank you to all that attended and made the return of our Annual Dinner and Auction great success, all those who showed your support making donations throughout the year and during our Annual Birdathon. We have many great programs and initiatives planned for the coming Fall and Spring Season.
We are delighted to introduce our 2022-2025 Board of Directors, board members you have known for years and new members who bring fresh ideas and initiatives to the accomplishment of our mission as a chapter of the National Audubon Society which is to preserve and maintain those lands and waters that have been entrusted to our stewardship, and to inform and educate the public on issues involving birds, wildlife, and the environment.
Please enjoy our Summer Newsletter and check out coming events.
Peter Conway, Treasurer
Welcome New and Re-Elected Board Members 2022 - 2025 Term
President - Sean Camillieri
Re-Elected Vice President - Perry Pitt
Re-Elected Treasurer - Peter Conway
Secretary - Giannina Santo
New Directors
Lauren Martin
Steve Rappaport
Re-Elected Directors
Connie Bakall
Kyle Bardwell
Brian Rubino
Peter Salmansohn
Scott Silver
Continuing Directors
Karen Ertl
Lew Kingsley
Anthony Macchiarola
Deborah MacLeod
Thomas Mullane
Jerome Rubin
Notable Bird Sightings of the Year
Red-necked Phalarope, Photo By Anthony Macchiarola
PHAS Board Member and prodigious birder Anthony Macchariola has had a very fulfilling year roving Hudson Valley Counties sighting scores of fabulous bird species and noting them in eBird.
All of the notable sightings listed below were compiled using eBird.org. eBird is a fantastic website that allows to you to find birds and places to go birding (both locally and while travelling somewhere new), as well as a way to keep track of your bird lists and photos. All of the data you input into eBird contributes to science and to the conservation of birds and their habitat. We encourage everyone to join eBird (it is free, you just need to create an account) and record all of your bird sightings there. And remember, eBird is not just for notable sightings! Please visit ebird.org/about to learn more and to sign up. And visit eBird Putnam County to see Putnam County’s eBird page.
June 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022
February 1, 2022 – May 31, 2022
July 2022 Bird Walk Constitution Marsh
by Sean Camillieri
On July 23rd our chapter partnered with Constitution Marsh who graciously hosted 13 participants who braved the heat and humidity and went on a relaxing canoe trip through the marsh. Of the 4 miles canoed, 41 bird species were recorded.
This time of the year is often referred to as the “doldrums” in the birding community. Most breeding activity has finished for the season with very few species still tending to young. Most of the bird’s energy shifts from claiming territories, mating, and raising young to molting into fall or juvenile plumages and getting ready for the fall journey ahead of them. Read More
Access to Constitution Marsh Sanctuary
As we are sure you know, 2 years ago this past May, access to Constitution Marsh Bird Sanctuary and Indian Brook Falls was restricted due lack of oversight by Parks and parking issues with neighbors. As your local Audubon Society Chapter restoring access to the Sanctuary to our local community is a very important issue
A report on actions PHAS is taking by Sean Camillieri:
On June 29th, members of the PHAS Board participated in a meeting with members of NY/CT Audubon regarding the parking situation at Constitution Marsh. Audubon said they were committed to giving back to the local community and remaining relevant in the greater Philipstown area but yet were very hesitant to commit to a solution to the existing parking lot closure.
After the meeting, the PHAS board wrote a letter to the director of NY/CT Audubon expressing our dissatisfaction with Audubon’s top-down decision when it came to the parking lot closure. The decision was made without seeking input and ideas from those who are most affected by the closing, and by the local community the Marsh has served for fifty years. PHAS expressed that the current options for access involving parking at Boscobel for a high fee put in place are temporary, and very limiting to providing access, and are not convenient from a local community standpoint.
After writing the letter, I canvassed various Audubon Chapters and bird clubs in the Hudson Valley, and beyond, to sign on to our letter. They are now joined with PHAS in asking NY/CT to explore viable options to re-open the parking lot for free access. We would like to share our letter with the membership and friends.
More updates to follow! Read Our Letter Here
Save the Salamanders!
by Brian Rubino
Every spring, thousands of amphibians in our region cross busy roadways in order to reach the vernal pools and wetlands in which they breed. For the past several years, the Amphibian Migrations and Road Crossings Project, led by NYSDEC’s Laura Heady, has coordinated volunteers in our area to both safeguard and catalogue our slimy skinned friends. This year, several members of Putnam Highlands Audubon Society participated in the program and helped to shepherd Wood Frogs, Spotted Salamanders, American Toads, and Spring Peepers, among other species, across our roads. Read More
Coming Events
September 'Third Saturday' Bird Walk Hubbard Lodge Fahnestock State Park Saturday, September 17, 2022
Guests will be treated to a Warbler Flight down at the wetlands. On 9/20/20, 60 species of birds were recorded here! This walk offers birders a chance to see similar results. Register Here
October 'Third Saturday' Bird Walk Glynwood Farms Saturday, October 15, 2022
This return trip will provide participants with Fall foliage and bird migrations. In previous walks, Vesper Sparrows, Norther Harrier, & American Kestrel have been observed. Many other migratory birds may be seen. Register Here
Support Local Bird and Nature Conservation Programs
Today we serve Putnam and Dutchess Counties. We maintain bird sanctuaries deRham Watergrass Sanctuary in Philipstown and Reese Sanctuary in New Hamburg. We offer monthly bird walks and educational programs in Beacon, Cold Spring, Garrison, Philipstown and other local towns.
Public programs for children & adults
Care of PHAS’s wildlife sanctuaries: , Reese, and deRham Watergrass
Support for bird conservation programs, including bird walks and public programs
Annual Scholarships
Chapter Newsletters
We appreciate your support.