September Third Saturday Bird Walk - Hubbard Perkins Conservation Area
A great fall weather walk led by PHAS Board Members Kyle Barwell and Sean Camillieri.
We are excited to start up our walks again. The Hubbard walk filled very quickly, and we hope all who didn't have a chance to register, will make next month’s walk. PHAS Board member Sean Camillieri and SMRA Board Member Steve Rappaport have birded Hubbard multiple times this week. The total species seen at Hubbard this week was 73!!!! We hope the north winds bring some great birds for the walk tomorrow.
Below find pictures taken at Hubbard by Steve Rappaport this week, to get everyone excited. Check out more of Steve’s work on Instagram here: Kyle Bardwell
This mornings first bird walk at Hubbard was a great success! The participants enjoyed some nice fall brisk weather. We started at 7:30 and while some folks left around 9, other stayed until 10! We ended the walk with 51 species! eBird list here: We had 12 Warbler species and 10 Purple Finches as the main attractions! Everyone enjoyed the rush of a morning flight and saw how many birds can really move through an area under ideal migration conditions. Sean Camillieri
Philadelphia Vireo- Steve Rappaport
Hubbard Lodge
Belted Kingfisher-Steve Rappaport
Indigo Bunting - Steve Rappaport
Blue winged warbler-Steve Rappaport
Yellow Rumped Warbler- Steve Rappaport