September POP-UP ‘Third Saturday Walks’ Hubbard Lodge, Cold Spring

Photo: Red-eyed Vireo, by Kyle Bardwell

Photo: Red-eyed Vireo, by Kyle Bardwell


Our group set out along the trail behind Hubbard Lodge, down to the wetland area in hopes of a good morning push of warblers that unfortunately never materialized.

It was a slow morning where the mosquitoes far outnumbered the birds! We did, however, steadily add a number of species, including some decent looks at a Brown Thrasher in the tangles, before moving up to the lodge area.

Around the lodge and gardens we observed good numbers of feeding finches and cedar waxwings, along with a trio of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and a vocal Yellow-Throated Vireo.

We decided to make one more trek to the wetland before wrapping up our walk and were rewarded with excellent views of a Lincoln’s sparrow to end the trip! Although the action was not fast and furious, we managed to tally 31 species. You can see our full list on eBird here:

Our group also had the opportunity to discuss migration patterns and how paying attention to weather patterns can help you decide the best chances for a good migration day. An excellent resource this time of year is called BirdCast which uses weather data to predict bird migration. You can read more about BirdCast and check out the latest predictions at

-Anthony Macchiarola - PHAS Board Member