November Bird Walk at Canopus Lake and White Pond in Fahnestock State Park
Ryan Bass, Kyle Bardwell and Perry Pitt lead a stationary observation of arriving waterfowl at Canopus Lake and White Pond in Fahnestock State Park.
Here are some photos by Kyle Bardwell from the Saturday duck sit at Canopus Lake.
Kyle shared that five Hooded Mergansers were the stars of the duck sit on Canopus Lake. He said that as the weather gets colder and small ponds freeze up more ducks may move in to Canopus Lake.
The parking lot at White Pond was not yet plowed which altered the plan of heading there after Canopus. Along with the Hooded Mergansers on Canopus, three Otters were a surprise find. They stayed on the other side of the lake however he did get some document shots.
Brian Rubino said, these shots could be mistaken for the Lochness Monster.
Connie Mayer-Bakall pointed out the flyby immature bald eagle which soared a couple times allowing the group to get good looks. Thank you so much to Ryan and Kyle who braved cold and snow to set up scopes this morning at Canopus! I had a great time and can't wait for more programs! It was a lot of fun!