2023 Notable Sightings May through June
by Anthony Macchiarola
Kentucky Warbler, Putnam County Photo by Anthony Macchiarola
This spring and early summer has been highlighted by a number of southern species showing up in our local region. In Putnam County, a Kentucky Warbler set up a breeding territory in Fahnestock State Park for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, he seemingly was unable to find a mate and eventually moved on. The same was true for two male Prothonotary Warblers (one in Dutchess County and another in Sullivan County) that set up a territory in hopes of attracting a mate.
On a more productive note, pair of Blue Grosbreaks are attempting to breed in both Rockland County and Ulster County this year. Yellow-throated Warblers were reported in both Westchester and Ulster, with the latter seemingly setting up a breeding territory.
Dutchess County has recorded their first pair of breeding Yellow-crowned Night Herons (successful), joining the local pair nesting in Orange County for the past few years. And just recently the Neotropic Cormorant that summered on the Hudson River last has returned to the Newburgh Waterfront! This Neotropic Cormorant is one of three that have been sighted recently in southern NY, which is unprecedented.
The other two were reported in Kings and Richmond counties. Also unprecedented, an immature Black-legged Kittiwake has been summering around the mouth of the Rondout Creek, spending time in both Ulster and Dutchess Counties! This is one of only 3 records of Black-legged Kittiwakes in NY in June, and all of those records are this year! And of course this sighting is on the heels of the incursion of Black-legged Kittiwakes across the Northeast at inland locations, including at least two on the Hudson River then as well.
All of the notable sightings listed here were compiled using eBird.org. eBird is a fantastic website that allows to you to find birds and places to go birding (both locally and while travelling somewhere new), as well as a way to keep track of your bird lists and photos. All of the data you input into eBird contributes to science and to the conservation of birds and their habitat. We encourage everyone to join eBird (it is free, you just need to create an account) and record all of your bird sightings there. And remember, eBird is not just for notable sightings! Please visit ebird.org/about to learn more and to sign up. And visit https://ebird.org/region/US-NY-079?yr=all to see Putnam County’s eBird page.
If you are not registered on eBird yet and you have a notable or interesting bird sighting in Putnam County, we would love to hear about it! Please let us know about your notable sightings, and include any documentation (such as photos, which are strongly encouraged to confirm a rare bird sighting) by emailing us at: PHASbirds@gmail.com
Putnam County:
5/4 Common Gallinule, William Clough Preserve, Patterson
5/7 Little Blue Heron, Hudson River, Cold Spring
5/8 Lincoln’s Sparrow, Fred Dill Wildlife Sanctuary
5/11 and 5/12 Black-legged Kittiwake, Hudson River, Cold Spring
5/12 Cape May Warbler, HHLT Snake Rd
5/13 Caspian Tern, Hudson River, Cold Spring
5/13 Greater Yellowlegs, West Point Foundry Preserve
5/15 Alder Flycatcher, Maybrook Trailway, Patterson
5/15 Mourning Warbler, HHLT Snake Rd
5/23 Mourning Warbler Fred Dill Wildlife Sanctuary Carmel
5/31 Kentucky Warbler
6/1 Yellow-breasted Chat, Hubbard Lodge
Dutchess County:
5/6 Black-legged Kittiwake, Hudson River
5/13 Gray-cheeked Thrush, West Clove Mountain Rd
5/16 Prothonotary Warbler Dennings Point
5/20 Black Tern, Harlem Valley Rail Trail
6/3 Prothonotary Warbler, Milan
6/16 Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Dutchess County
6/21 Black-legged Kittiwake, Hudson River
(Both Dutchess and Ulster Counties)
6/25 Yellow-breasted Chat (2), Hopeland Sanctuary
Ulster County:
5/8 Yellow-throated Warbler, Private Residence
6/13 Yellow-throated Warbler Ashokan Center
Sullivan County:
5/27 Prothonotary, Bashakill WMA
5/31 Black Tern, Bashakill WMA
Westchester County:
6/14 Yellow-throated Warbler Hilltop Hannover Farm
Orange County:
6/27 Neotropic Cormorant Newburgh Waterfront
Mourning Warbler, Putnam County Photo by Anthony Macchiarola
Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Dutchess County Photo by Anthony Macchiarola
Black-legged Kittiwake, Hudson River Photo by Anthony Macchiarola
Prothonotary Warbler, Dutchess county Photo by Anthony Macchiarola
Iceland Gull, Dutchess County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
Vesper Sparrow, Dutchess County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
All of the notable sightings listed here were compiled using eBird.org. eBird is a fantastic website that allows to you to find birds and places to go birding (both locally and while travelling somewhere new), as well as a way to keep track of your bird lists and photos. All of the data you input into eBird contributes to science and to the conservation of birds and their habitat. We encourage everyone to join eBird (it is free, you just need to create an account) and record all of your bird sightings there. And remember, eBird is not just for notable sightings! Please visit ebird.org/about to learn more and to sign up. And visit https://ebird.org/region/US-NY-079?yr=all to see Putnam County’s eBird page.
If you are not registered on eBird yet and you have a notable or interesting bird sighting in Putnam County, we would love to hear about it! Please let us know about your notable sightings, and include any documentation (such as photos, which are strongly encouraged to confirm a rare bird sighting) by emailing us at: PHASbirds@gmail.com
Prior Years Sightings
December 1,2023 - April 30, 2023
September 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022
June 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022