2022-23 Notable Sightings December through April
by Anthony Macchiarola
Northern Saw-whet Owl, Putnam County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
This section of time began in the heart of the winter bird season, and ended prior to the bulk of spring migration, but still produced a number of excellent bird in and around the county. In Putnam, the Rufous Hummingbird that first showed at a private residence in November 2022 stayed until April 10th of this year! Similarly, a Northern Shrike that first showed up at Glynwood Farm in 12/29/22 remained until 3/13/23. Another fantastic bird for the county was a Northern Saw-whet Owl that took up temporary residence in an ornamental tree at a private residence for a couple of weeks before moving on. Red Crossbills made a few appearance in Putnam and surrounding areas this winter, and a Short-eared Owl made a one evening appearance in Garrison! Some exceptional birds were also recorded around the region such as Harlequin Duck, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Loggerhead Shrike, Western Meadowlark, and Yellow-headed Blackbird! See below for details.
It seems like every year now that at least one southern species makes an incursion into our northern region. We’ve had Roseate Spoonbills, Wood Storks, White Ibis, and Limpkins all make spectacular pushes into the northeast, and this year it appears to be Anhingas! Keep your eyes open for a bird superficially similar to a cormorant, but more elongated and snake like that maybe be swimming or roosting near water, or even soaring in the sky like a raptor! So far none have been found in the Hudson Valley, but if you happen to see one, make sure you let us know at PHASbirds@gmail.com!
All of the notable sightings listed here were compiled using eBird.org. eBird is a fantastic website that allows to you to find birds and places to go birding (both locally and while travelling somewhere new), as well as a way to keep track of your bird lists and photos. All of the data you input into eBird contributes to science and to the conservation of birds and their habitat. We encourage everyone to join eBird (it is free, you just need to create an account) and record all of your bird sightings there. And remember, eBird is not just for notable sightings! Please visit ebird.org/about to learn more and to sign up. And visit https://ebird.org/region/US-NY-079?yr=all to see Putnam County’s eBird page.
If you are not registered on eBird yet and you have a notable or interesting bird sighting in Putnam County, we would love to hear about it! Please let us know about your notable sightings, and include any documentation (such as photos, which are strongly encouraged to confirm a rare bird sighting) by emailing us at: PHASbirds@gmail.com
12/8 Northern Pintail (3) - Barrett Pond, Philipstown
12/10 Red-breasted Merganser - Dockside Park, Cold Spring
12/15 Redhead - Wixon Pond
12/29 Northern Shrike - Glynwood Farm, Cold Spring (continued 3/5)
1/2 Horned Larks - Glynwood
1/2 Red Crossbills - Fahnestock, Barrett Pond
1/7-1/21 Northern Saw-whet Owl, Private Residence
2/24 Canvasback (2) Mud Pond, Mahopac
2/24 Redhead Mud Pond, Mahopac
3/13 Northern Shrike (Last Day), Glynwood Farm, Cold Spring
3/15 Short-eared Owl, Garrison
3/15 Snow Bunting, Doansburg Preserve
3/17 Red-throated Loon, Dockside Park, Cold Spring
3/21 Snow Goose, Dockside Park, Cold Spring
3/22 Northern Pintail, Empire State Trailway, Patterson
4/2 Red-breasted Merganser, Lake Carmel
4/10 Rufous Hummingbird (Last Day), Private Residence, Carmel
4/11 Pine Siskin, Private Residence, Cold Spring
Golden Eagles, Winter Residents, multiple locations and dates
12/9 Red Crossbill (up to 13) Lagrangeville
12/15 Cackling Goose - Stormville
1/14 Tundra Swan, Drake Lake
1/27 Cackling Goose, Stringham Park
4/6 Swallow-tailed Kite, Cary Institute, Millbrook
11/28 Western Meadowlark - Shawangunk Grasslands
12/2 Loggerhead Shrike, Shawangunk Grasslands
12/30 - Harlequin Duck and Barrows Goldeneye - River Road, Port Ewen
12/25 Yellow-breasted Chat Edith G Read Wildlife Santuary
2/25 Greater White-fronted Goose, Bowman Ave Pond, Rye
4/1 Razorbill Rye Town Park, Rye
4/7 Lapland Longspur (2) Croton Point Park, Ossining
4/7-8 Yellow-headed Blackbird, Croton Point Park, Ossining
Orange County:
Continuing Orange-crowned Warbler, Newburgh Waterfront
4/23 Wilson’s Phalarope, Camel Farm
Northern Shrike, Putnam County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
Rufous Hummingbird, Putnam County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
Northern Saw-whet Owl, Putnam County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
Cackling Goose with Canada Goose, Dutchess County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
Iceland Gull, Dutchess County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
Vesper Sparrow, Dutchess County (Photo: Anthony Macchiarola)
All of the notable sightings listed here were compiled using eBird.org. eBird is a fantastic website that allows to you to find birds and places to go birding (both locally and while travelling somewhere new), as well as a way to keep track of your bird lists and photos. All of the data you input into eBird contributes to science and to the conservation of birds and their habitat. We encourage everyone to join eBird (it is free, you just need to create an account) and record all of your bird sightings there. And remember, eBird is not just for notable sightings! Please visit ebird.org/about to learn more and to sign up. And visit https://ebird.org/region/US-NY-079?yr=all to see Putnam County’s eBird page.
If you are not registered on eBird yet and you have a notable or interesting bird sighting in Putnam County, we would love to hear about it! Please let us know about your notable sightings, and include any documentation (such as photos, which are strongly encouraged to confirm a rare bird sighting) by emailing us at: PHASbirds@gmail.com
Prior Years Sightings
September 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022
June 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022