Little Stony Point Eagle Bird Walk
Eagle Photo by Kyle Bardwell shot at Croton Point
Walk leader Scott Silver provided this report:
Our February Eagle walk was pretty well attended, At one point I counted 27 people, and there were six of us from the PHAS Board there, so my best guess is 21 people attended, though I may have missed one or two counting. Not the 50 people that signed up. I was surprised because it was such a nice day!
Most folks did see an nice mature Eagle in the first 5 minutes, but then nothing for the next hour.
We kept busy with sightings of Blue Birds, a Brown Creeper, lots of Common Mergansers, Icelandic and Herring Gulls, Black and Turkey Vultures, and a Red Tailed Hawk.
We eventually did spot a few more Eagles far away, but of course it wasn’t until everyone wandered back to their cars that Perry, Ryan, Kyle and I got some nice views of Bald Eagles, and a speculative view of a Golden Eagle that the aforementioned birders saw better than I did.
The weather was great until you got into the wind at the point, and then it got cold fast.
In any event, folks seemed pleased with the event. I thought the group was both interested and interesting. There were a lot of first timers on an PHAS trip. Maybe a few recruits for the 2019 Birdathon. I thought it was fun, and no one walked away without seeing at least a far-off view of an Eagle.
Thanks to Pete, Perry, Ryan, Kyle and Lisa for coming to help. As always, it was a group effort that benefited from many hands making light work. I don't know about anyone else, but I look forward to the next one!
Thanks again and great job everyone who helped pull this off, both before or during the event.