Want to collect your bird sightings and share with the world
eBird is solution!
eBird is a free and easy to use website exists and would allow PHAS to have all of the chapters and the counties bird records permanently stored in a single space. eBird is a website that has been around for about a decade, and it currently is the world’s largest citizen science project! What is citizen science? Citizen science means that any person regardless of experience level can participate in the study of a particular topic. This link will bring you to Putnam County’s eBird page. You can see everything from how many individual species have been seen in the county, how many eBirders there are, how many checklists have been submitted, and the best areas to go. You can also see what birds have been seen in some of your favorite places to hike and walk. The data submitted through ebird has fueled hundreds if not thousands of avian studies and projects worldwide.
eBird offers free introductory videos on how to use the platform and I encourage everyone to take a look and give it a try. “But what if I get something wrong?” Luckily for everyone here, two board members and a former board member (myself, Kyle Bardwell, and Ryan Bass) review the records coming through the county so you won’t be interacting with a stranger!
Join eBird by clicking here eBird or downloading the app for iPhone or Android
If eBird isn’t your thing but you have lists of birds you saw on a hike one day or old records from when you were more active in the birding community, you can email these lists to PHASbirds@gmail.com and we can enter your data through our eBird account on your behalf. If you need help identifying a bird or see a rare bird and you are able to take a photo you can also email this address and one of us will try and help you with identification. We will also answer any questions regarding ebird as well.
This data may prove beneficial down the line and if we don’t have anything to go off of, then how can we fight for the birds?