Greetings PHAS Members and Friends!

It has been an honor to serve as Chair of PHAS for the past thirteen years, and work with all of you, to promote bird conservation in the Hudson Valley and beyond!

My goal ten years ago, was to diversify the Board of Directors and attract younger members interested in expanding our conservation, education and stewardship programs. I am delighted with the results as we have welcomed new members who will continue to build on our past achievements. They have invigorated the Chapter with new ideas that will translate into increased membership and activities as we move forward into the future and work to protect the many bird species that depend on our local habitats!

I thank Sean Camillieri and Kyle Bardwell for filling in for me as we segued into elections for a new Chair this June. I am very happy that Sean agreed to take on the responsibilities of Chairmanship and I know he will have your support, and mine! Sean has the background and skill we need to deal with new and old conservation issues! Climate issues, bird conservation, habitat preservation, stewardship of PHAS’ Sanctuaries are all priorities moving forward.

One local challenge will be to ensure that Constitution Marsh Audubon Sanctuary stays open and free to daily visitors as it has for so many decades providing access to the marsh and the Hudson River Estuary.

Please join with me in welcoming Sean as he takes the helm!

Thank you for your continued support and friendship! A special thank to Perry Pitt who has been Vice-President during my tenure!

Yours in bird conservation!

Connie Mayer

Outgoing PHAS Chair