Putnam County Christmas Bird Count
The Putnam County Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is looking for volunteers! What is a CBC? It’s an annual event first begun in the early 1900’s when the distinguished scientist Frank Chapman was becoming concerned about declining avian populations. He decided that counting birds every Christmas Day was a good way to gather an understanding of the status and populations of many bird species by enlisting engaged citizens in orderly, focused counts. Prior to that time and even afterwards, hunters would go out and shoot just about any feathered or furry animal as a means of taking inventory of what’s around, or as a meal. Fast forward 121 years later to the present day when 2,585 CBC’s were completed nation-wide in 2020, as birders recorded an astounding 59.2 billion birds! These counts regularly take place between December 14th to January 5th every year, and the precise timing depends upon decisions made by local Audubon chapters or bird clubs.
Putnam County’s CBC began in 1955 and was started by Jim Nolan and Ralph Odell. Normally, each count’s territory is a 15-mile-wide circle where a compiler is assigned to each territory and has volunteers who scatter throughout that circle counting every bird they see or hear. Due to the small rectangular shape of Putnam County, Jim and Ralph lobbied the Audubon CBC administrators to make an exception to this rule, and they ultimately succeeded. Now Putnam County’s “circle” is actually a square, and so is the Peekskill CBC territory as well.
This year’s count will be held on Saturday, December 28th, 2024 beginning at 12am and ending 5pm (for those intrepid birders) with an in person compilation that evening. Please contact Putnam Highlands Audubon at birds@putnamhighlandsaudubon.org if you are interested in participating.